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BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) BSC_NRSNG Course
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) Apprenticeship Route BSC_NRSNG_ADLT_ASSHP Course
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health) BSC_NRSNG_MNTHLTH Course
BSc (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health) - Apprenticeship Route BSC_NRSNG_MNTHLTH_ASSHP Course
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science BSC_PRMDIC Course
BSc Physiotherapy BSC_PHYSTPY Course
BSc Physiotherapy Apprenticeship Route BSC_PHYSTPYAPP Course
FdSc Assistant Practitioner in Healthcare - Apprenticeship Route FDSC_HCARE_ASTPRACT Course
FdSc Nursing Associate FDSC_NURSING_ASSOC Course
FdSc Nursing Associate (Higher Apprenticeship) FDSC_NRSNG_ASSHP Course
MSc Dietetics MSC_DIETETICS Course
V300 Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (Level 6) V300_IND_SUPP_PRESCRIB Course
V300 Independent and Supplementary Prescribing (Level 7) V300_IND_SUPP_PRESCRIB_PG Course

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