Browse Hierarchy BSC_PHYSTPYAPP: BSc Physiotherapy Apprenticeship Route
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Academic and Professional Development (APP) | 2255 | Module |
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Studies 1 (APP) | 2260 | Module |
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Studies 2 (APP) | 2265 | Module |
Complexity in Physiotherapy Practice (APP) | 2266 | Module |
Health Across the Lifespan (APP) | 2256 | Module |
Human Anatomy and Physiology (APP) | 2257 | Module |
Musculoskeletal Studies 1 (APP) | 2258 | Module |
Musculoskeletal Studies 2 (APP) | 2261 | Module |
Neurological Studies (APP) | 2262 | Module |
Practice Based Learning 1 (APP) | 2259 | Module |
Practice Based Learning 2 (APP) | 2263 | Module |
Practice Based Learning 3 (APP) | 2267 | Module |
Research for Physiotherapists (APP) | 2264 | Module |
Research Project for Apprentice Physiotherapists (APP) | 1978 | Module |
Lists linked to BSc Physiotherapy Apprenticeship Route
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