Browse Hierarchy DEP_BU_MA_FI: Business, Marketing & Finance
Browse Department
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
BA (Hons) Business Management | BA_BM | Course |
BA (Hons) Business Management (Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship) | BA_BM_CMDA | Course |
BA (Hons) Marketing Management | BA_MM | Course |
BA(Hons) Business Enterprise | BA_BENH | Course |
BA(Hons) Business Enterprise (Accelerated) | BA_BENA | Course |
BA(Hons) Digital Marketing | BA_DMKH | Course |
BA(Hons) Marketing With Events Management | BA_MWEH | Course |
BSc/FdSc Finance and Accounting | BSC_FA | Course |
FdA Marketing Management | FDGMKTH | Course |
Integrated Pre-Masters | INT_PM | Course |
International Foundation Diploma - Business and Marketing | DIPBMKH | Course |
MA Marketing Management for Events, Hospitality and Tourism | MA_MMEHT | Course |
MSc Enterprise Management | MSCEM | Course |
MSc International Business Management | MSC_IBM | Course |
MSc/PGDip/PGCert Finance and Accounting | FIN_ACC | Course |
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